House of Cultivar 3d labels

How House of Cultivar’s Packaging Is Setting New Standards in Cannabis Consumer Engagement

Feb 12, 2024


Key Takeaways

  • Premium packaging in the cannabis industry, highlighted by House of Cultivar's collaboration with Roland DGA, is proving to increase product appeal and customer willingness to pay higher prices.
  • A study by Physis + Agency indicates consumers are willing to pay up to 26% more for cannabis products that feature special, memorable packaging.
  • Social settings significantly influence consumer preferences, with nearly 60% of users valuing unique branding to impress peers.
  • The trend towards gifting cannabis products in premium packaging is growing, with over half of the survey respondents likely to gift cannabis if it comes in high-end branding.

Premium Packaging for Cannabis

The maturing cannabis industry is witnessing a significant shift towards premium packaging to enhance brand visibility, customer loyalty, and profitability.

In partnership with Roland DGA and Gold Leaf Print & Packaging, House of Cultivar has capitalized on this trend by launching a limited edition Valentine's Day collectible featuring innovative 3D labels and high-quality materials.

Research conducted by Physis + Agency reveals that consumers are ready to invest more in cannabis products that offer an "extra" in terms of packaging appeal. This investment in creativity and quality helps command higher prices and strengthens brand loyalty through the packaging's collectibility, gift ability, and memorability.

Social Impressions and Consumer Behavior

Per a news release, the social aspect of cannabis consumption plays a critical role in packaging preferences. About half of the consumers place more importance on premium packaging in social settings, with a significant portion of them acknowledging the impact of special branding on their social image, especially among the 31-40 age group.

High-end buyers, in particular, strongly prefer products that make a statement, underscoring the importance of packaging in consumer buying decisions.

"Packaging is even more important in the cannabis industry because of brand and advertising restrictions not imposed elsewhere. What we're seeing emerge is the opportunity for a new era in cannabis packaging that goes beyond utility to emphasize creativity, collectability, and memorability," said Aric Mayer, Physis + Agency principal and lead researcher, in the news release.

"It's not just about flower quality anymore. The combination of flower quality, brand, and packaging stands out as the driving force behind consumer choices, prompting producers to create a captivating showcase for their product," Mayer added.

The Impact of Packaging on Gifting and Market Expansion

The release stated that with more than 56% of respondents expressing a likelihood to gift cannabis products packaged in premium branding, there's a clear indication of the growing trend towards cannabis gifting.

House of Cultivar's introduction of the Colors by Cultivar Lobster Roll strain in elevated packaging for Valentine's Day exemplifies how effective packaging can significantly influence gifting behaviors and market expansion opportunities.

What We Think

The Roland DGA Corporation's recent collaboration with House of Cultivar to produce premium cannabis packaging shows a pivotal shift in the cannabis industry towards luxury branding and consumer engagement. This initiative, leveraging Roland DG's advanced printing technology for a limited edition Valentine's Day product, highlights the role of innovative packaging in product differentiation and mirrors broader industry trends towards sustainability, customization, and technological advancement in packaging solutions.

The industry's move towards premium packaging reflects evolving consumer preferences and the growing importance of brand differentiation. The research notes that sustainability and eco-friendliness are becoming central to packaging choices, with a notable shift towards materials that minimize environmental impact. Adopting biodegradable, recyclable, and sustainable packaging options, such as those introduced by RXDco, caters to this demand and aligns with broader environmental concerns​.

Technological innovations in packaging enhance user experience while ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory standards. Features like child-resistant mechanisms and tamper-evident designs meet legal requirements and enhance consumer safety and convenience. These advancements are crucial in a market where regulations vary significantly across regions, necessitating adaptable and compliant packaging solutions​.

The segmentation of packaging types, with a notable preference for flexible over rigid packaging due to its cost-effectiveness and convenience, suggests a dynamic industry responding to diverse market needs. Material choices are also evolving, with a significant lean towards plastics for their versatility. However, the paper segment is projected to snowball, driven by the demand for eco-friendly options​.

House of Cultivar's and Roland DGA's collaboration exemplifies how leveraging cutting-edge technology and design innovation can propel the cannabis industry forward, setting a benchmark for future packaging initiatives.

[Image by Roland DGA Corporation via PR Web]