Consumer Products Medical

Medical Cannabis Products

The medical uses of cannabis have captured the interest of practitioners and patients for thousands of years. Recently, cannabis users have seen a shift in the legal framework of the drug from completely illegal to relatively widespread acceptance and regulation of the medical uses of cannabis.

Cannabis products are used for everything from cancer-induced nausea to nerve pain and anxiety. And they come in a variety of forms: tinctures, extracts, edibles, vape products, and cannabis flower, among others.

Products for Nausea

Nausea prevention and reduction are perhaps among the most popular medical uses of cannabis products. Available cannabis products for nausea can be counted by the thousands, with nausea treating products available for sale in every state in which medical cannabis products are legal or decriminalized.

Consumers use both THC- and CBD-containing preparations to treat nausea, with many of the available products combining both cannabinoids into a single product.

Products for Nerve Pain

Nerve pain - also referred to as neuropathy - is treated by some with cannabis products. They often contain both THC and CBD, and some initial studies have suggested one or both of these cannabinoids may be effective in treating the subjective discomfort and pain present in patients with neuropathy. The products can come in the form of edible gummies, raw cannabis buds, tinctures, extracts, candies, and more.