Consumer Products Food and Drink

CBD Food and Drink

From CBD oil in coffee to CBD nutritional supplements, cannabidiol is the latest trending ingredient in the health and wellness food space. Since the legalization of hemp and hemp products - including CBD - in the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD has seen an explosion in popularity as an ingredient in food and drink.

The makers of these products promise improvements to your overall health and wellness, including your digestion, mood, and level of anxiety and relaxation.

One quick caution is in order, however. Many of the claims made by the manufacturers of CBD infused food and drink products have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not true, but it does mean you should consider them carefully before buying or consuming them.

Infused Food Products

CBD infused food products are an incredibly popular addition to the pantries of millions of Americans. This shouldn’t take any of us off guard, as there is an extremely long history of using cannabis products as edibles in this country. Of course, much of this history is preoccupied with using cannabis products as an edible intoxicant, but that doesn’t mean we should write off the potential of CBD as a delicious and nutritious ingredient.

Infused Cooking Products

CBD infused cooking products - including CBD infused cooking oils and food additives - lend an additional health and wellness punch to your favorite recipes. The addition of CBD into your cooking products also offers unique and delicious flavors you otherwise wouldn’t have access to. The makers of these products promise that you’ll see an immediate impact on your nutritional and digestive health.